Pick a Fabric Create a Quilt
About PJ (Pam)
About PJ
I started quilting back in the early 90's and of course my 'Stash' started then too. It all has been pre-washed and pressed, of course. But now my 'stash' has over taken my possibilities of ever using it all up.
So, here is where you can benefit from my pile of dreams. Here is where you can purchase beautiful fabric that you can not buy today in your local fabric store hang-outs.
By the way, you can call me Pam.
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A Bit of My History in Quilting
Back in the early 90's when I first thought of making a quilt, the local Building #19 ( surplus buyer/seller store I frequanted) got in a closeout of bolts of fabric and were selling them at $1. a yard. I bought my first few cuts; most I use for backings, because I bought 4 - 6 yards of a kind. My daughter had just given me her new floral shower curtain that she didn't like, once up. A magazine had a quilt pattern in it called the 'Fence Rail' ---Simple! So I began it; a full size quilt. And of course, as I do in just about everything, I put my own changes into it. I machined the quilting to compliment it and topped it off with an embroidered Bible Verse. (Prov.17:22 ---a merry heart is good medicine.) And since then, I have emdriodered a verse on every quilt. Also On the back side of all quilts there is usually a heart or something related stitched on.